656th Engineer Battalion (Topo)
Jon Wolfe)
A group photo of Company 'B' personnel along with those in the 22nd Platoon. Unfortunately, I cannot remember all of those in the 22nd, and I cannot recall all the names. Perhaps others can fill in the blanks and make corrections to my memory, as necessary. This photo was taken in March/April, 1959 (see list of names below).
Row 1: Zeitner, Morris, Manske, Fahey, Stevenson, McLellan,Garafolo, Wells, Whitaker.
Row 2: __, ___,___,____, Holland, Schlick, Gallant, Mister, ___, Butze, Ambrosier, ___, ____.
Row 3: Rose, Staskiew, Davis, McDonald, Pecor, Griggs, Huff, Freriks, ___, ___,___, ___,___.
Row 4: Zieres, Cornell, Bailey, ___, Springer, Smith, Olson, ___, ___, King, Wolfe, ___, Gibb.
Row 5: Kaiser, VanderZand, Layfer, Chassie, Wyllie, Adams, Adnams, Hawkins.
Row 6: ____, Bivens.